Pavai arts and science college for women celebrated pongal festival on 08.01.2018, Monday. Dr.R.Rajeshwari, the principal of pavai arts and science college for women, inaugurated the pongal festival with the HODs and other lecturers of various departments. Students were drawn rangoli and began the celebration. Sweet pongal made by the students in all the department .Then the prayer started with the sweet pongal and Bajan. After the prayer correspondent madam shared her view on pongal necessity and portraits the value of traditions of Tamil culture and importance of farmers as well as she enjoyed the celebration with college girls and make them to understand the responsibility of women in traditional values.Also She said that women should participate in all the platform always concentrated on their physical and mental abilities.They need to avoid the thoughts of inferiority and weaker sex.She said that the girl students be aware of social evils and should have the responsibilities of all the stages of their life.They should have the spiritual and scientific thoughts in the view of society.